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Identifying Stress In Young Children | Mosaic Guide

Identifying Stress in Young Children | Mosaic Guide

Recognizing Stress in Children

Stress and anxiety in children may sound surprising to some but it turning into a harsh reality of the present world. Children experience stress due to a number of reasons such as school life issues, friendships, managing expectations from their parents, etc. Some amount of stress is normal to handle by every individual, but too much of it can have serious consequences.

Identifying Stress In Young Children1

So how do teachers and parents recognize whether a child is suffering or not? Emotional and behavioral ques play a key part to identifying a potential threat. Some of the finest nurseries in Dubai, such as Mosaic Nursery is dedicated to make their pupil the best of themselves. This requires special attention towards their mental health. Therefore, counselors are available to guide teachers, parents, and children at every step of the way. Here are some tips from our mental health experts at Mosaic Nursery, to help you raise better human beings.

Watch out for changing behavior:

Observing a child’s behavior on regular basis is one the first duty of educators in all Dubai nurseries. A sudden negative change in a child’s behavior is alarming. Children find it difficult to recognize and express stress. However, there behavior mirrors their mental state. When a child is stressed out, teachers or parents may experience these common changes: irritable or moody behavior, losing interest from activities that gave them pleasure, expressing worries frequently, complaining more than usual about the school, excessive crying, clinging to a parent or teacher, sleeping too much or too little, or poor eating habits.

Schedule a routine:

A good routine can make all the difference. Best Dubai nurseries pay special attention to design a perfect schedule, something that neither exhausts a child nor keeps them idle. Fun-filled activities along of study material are merged together for an exciting experience that makes kids want to back every day. Parents should also try to set proper routine at home to keep the child in sync.

Avoid conflict within the home:

Children are at a greater risk of depression in families where there is a high level of conflict. Fights or verbal abuse between parents has a negative effect on the sense of safety and security of a child which not only disturbs their relationships with parents but with others as well. It also causes emotional, social, and behavioral problems. Almost all professional nurseries in Dubai keep a keen eye on the behavior of their pupil. If a child looks troubled, a meeting with parents is immediately arranged. Parents are advised to create a warm and comfortable environment at home. Support your child and listen to them carefully. Your love and support can mean the world to your kids.

We at Mosaic Nursery in JLT truly believe that the collaborative efforts of parents and teachers can make a huge difference for our young ones. Stay in touch with us through our social media. You can always reach out to us on 04 425 6670.

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