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Guidance On Infection Control In Schools And Other Childcare Setting

Guidance On Infection Control In Schools And Other Childcare Setting

Children are more susceptible to viruses and bacteria as their immune system is not as strong as that of an adult. Therefore, one needs to be extra careful when it comes to their health and safety. Nurseries and other childcare settings are busy places and can turn into a common site for the transmission of infection in case of even slight negligence. Keeping the recent pandemic situation in mind, you never know who is vaccinated and who isn’t. And since none of the available vaccines guarantees a 100% result there is still the risk of spreading and getting infected from the novel Coronavirus.

To make sure everyone stays safe, some necessary precautions need to me ensured at all times. Here are some tips for all Nurseries in Dubai to make their facilities as safe as possible for the young ones.

Preventing the Transmission:

Dealing with kids can be tricky. It can be difficult to follow safety guidelines with a group of excited children. In the midst of all the fun and play, the best course of action is making cleanliness a priority. You can easily avoid getting any kind of infection by maintaining good hygiene practices and a neat classroom. This doesn’t only refer to a clutter-free room but also a well-sanitized environment. All surfaces should be cleaned with a disinfectant. Even the toys and teaching material used on daily basis should be sanitized regularly.

Dealing A Child With An Infection:

Since younger children have an immature immune system, they are more prone to all kinds of infections. Therefore, even after taking all precautionary measures, there is a possibility that a child may get infected. Under such circumstances, first step should be reducing the risk of transmission. The infection prevention and control measures should be put in action immediately. If the disease is not serious, such as regular flu, the student should be allowed to attend the preschool once the institute receives a negative test report of Covid’19. If the student is tested positive, they should undergo a mandatory quarantine at home until the test results are negative. As a safety measure, the entire preschool should be disinfected properly and those who were in close contact of the infected child should be informed.

Staff Health:

School staff is constantly in contact with parents and teachers. It is their duty to manage the entire institute and ensure a smooth operation every single day. Therefore, every staff member should undergo a complete health check before they start working. The current staff should also take the necessary tests to make sure they are in good health conditions. Every instructor and administration member should keep a mask on at all times to minimize the spread of germs. If possible, staff members should get themselves vaccinated as soon as possible. Even after immunization, safety guidelines should be followed to prevent the spread as they can be a carrier for others.

Reputed Dubai Nurseries such as Mosaic Nursery takes the health and safety measures very seriously. We ensure that all the important steps are being taken within the facility so that you and your child can begin the school year without the fear of any infection. To learn more about us, call 04 425 6670 today.

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