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13 Tips To Increase Your Family’s Happiness And Health

13 Tips to Increase Your Family’s Happiness and Health

Living in a world full of competition, your tough schedule and fast-paced life can often distant you from your family, leading to consequences which one regrets later. In a family where both the parents are working tremendously hard to make ends meet, their kids often feel “left out”, “ignored” or “lonely”, just because they do not have anyone to hare their time with.

It does not matter how busy you are with your career or have a million meetings to attend in a day, being a parent your child becomes your priority, hence to ensure they grow up into healthy, intelligent and decisive adults, it is crucial to spend time together as a family.

  • What Your Child Learns By Imitating You

If you’re too busy to listen to your child or in shouting and screaming on them just because you’re getting late, your children will do the same in return. When you’ll want to sit down and talk to them just for the sake of spending time together, they won’t do the same because this is what they saw you doing and learned the hard way!

Children are a reflection of their parents; the way you behave will always reflect in your child’s behavior thus it is important to take care of your actions so that your kids learn “good” things only.

  • Parents’ Effect on Child Behavior

Watching you screaming or not sparing a minute to listen to them can leave a negative impact on little minds. When a kid feels left out and alone, it shatters their self-confidence and they see themselves inferior to others having no self-worth at all.

This is why Mosaic best Nursery in Dubai asks parents to spend ample time with their children as it not only makes them happy and content but keeps them healthy. Here are some great tips that will help you practice it:

  1. Cuddle Time

No matter how old they grow, children need to feel loved and protected which can easily be achieved through a long, loving hug. Spend some time snuggling in the bed with your kid, give them a hug or a kiss on the forehead and read them a story, making them feel wanted, loved and secured.

  1. Outdoor Fun

Dedicate one day of the week, either Saturday or Sunday for a short and quick picnic. Go to your favorite restaurant or outdoor spot, spend time together and have fun. Planning short vacations can help you and your children bond better while refreshing your minds.

  1. Cooking Together

Children love trying out new things, thus making cooking a fun activity for them. When you wish to bake or cook a meal for the family, invite your kid in the kitchen, ask them for help and assistance and bond over a delicious bowl of food.

  1. Watching a Movie Or Playing Games

Once the weekend hits hard, plan a movie night together with your family or play your kid’s favorite game with them.

  1. Adopting a Healthy habit Together

A healthy family is a happy family, so why not adopt a healthy habit together? Promise to walk after dinner every day or have nutritious snacks in the afternoon, anything that will keep you together as a family and active!

  1. Communicate

For children, expressing themselves openly becomes difficult. Hence, as a parent dedicate a time of the day for one-on-one interaction where you and your children get to talk and share problems without hesitation.

  1. The Perfect Routine

Families that have the perfect routine for the day are the ones who stay healthy and happy. This is why prepare a night time routine for your kid where you bathe them and read a story before they doze off to sleep. Wake them early in the morning, feed them with a fulfilling breakfast and wave them off to school.

  1. Greet With A Smile

When your kid comes home from school or your partner returns back tired from the office, greet them with a big smile. Make them feel welcomed every time!

  1. Appreciation is Important

A happy family is the one where everyone respects each other. Appreciate the good behavior and ignore negativities.

  1. Be Polite

If your kid has broken your favorite vase or your partner didn’t put away his shoes, do not scream or shout. Be polite in your response and deal with patience because the way you behave will design your child’s behavior.

  1. Pick Up An Activity Together

As a family, pick a different activity every day and be creative. Water plants in the garden, make mall clay pots or paint a wall.

  1. Help Around the House

Keeping the house clean, doing the dishes or setting up the table isn’t a woman’s duty only. Help around in completing the house chores, thus leaving you with extra time on the clock which can then be spent doing something more fun and entertaining.

  1. Go for a Quick Drive

Need to buy napkins or toiletries from the supermarket? Take your kids and family along! a short, quick drive with loved ones doesn’t hurt!

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