Mosaic nursery is a unique and high reputable nursery in Dubai that owes this recognition to its specially designed curriculum. We at Mosaic Nursery have adopted The Creative Curriculum that is based on the core principles of learning and development.
By reinforcing this curriculum, we at Mosaic Nursery aspire to motivate children towards a variety of interesting activities that require patience, attention and engagement. The Creative Curriculum is based on a belief that aims to create a balance between child-led and adult-introduced activities, so that there is a balance between the two in your child’s life.
Our Creative curriculum focuses on 10 areas of learning and development.
Social-Emotional Development
Young children’s social-emotional development involves learning how to understand their own and others feelings, regulate and express their emotions appropriately, build relationships with others and interact with groups. Social-emotional development flourishes when children have close, supportive and trusting relationships with adults. When adults are responsive and create an environment in which children can participate in actively, children know that they are considered important, interesting and competent.
Physical Development
Physical development includes children’s gross motor and fine motor skills. Children need many opportunities to practice their gross motor development, for example; running, climbing, kicking, throwing and jumping. Similarly, plenty of opportunities need to be provided for fine motor development, such as; manipulating, cutting, threading and mark making.
Language Development
Language development is the key to establishing and maintaining relationships with adults and other children. It is children’s natural desire to communicate their thoughts, ideas, needs and feelings, which motivates them to use language. A child also has to learn the structure and sequence of speech, sounds, vocabulary and grammar and the rules of polite and appropriate conversation.
Cognitive Development
Cognitive development is influenced by a child’s approach to learning, as well as their biological make-up and their environment. A child’s acquisition of knowledge will affect the way they think. Each child is unique and will have a different style and approach to learning. Cognitive development will include the way a child processes information, memorises, classifies, solves problems and acquires language, literacy and mathematical concepts.
During early childhood children engage in emergent reading and writing behaviours that form the foundations for conventional literacy. Reading aloud to children, exposing them to books, print and writing, as well as providing many opportunities for mark making, supports children’s early literacy development.
As with all learning, first hand exploration is important for learning mathematics. The knowledge children acquire in their first years, lays the foundations for the understanding of mathematical concepts. Through play, children learn the essential skills of problem solving, reasoning, numeracy and mathematical content.
Science & Technology
Young children are natural investigators, they are curious about how things work and what will happen next. Children learn to engage in the process of scientific thinking, initially through hands on sensory experiences. As they explore and experiment, children gain deeper understandings and make connections.
Social Studies
When young children explore social studies, they learn how to be researchers, critical thinkers and active members of their classroom community. Young children are egocentric, showing interest in themselves and their family. As they get older, children become interested in other people and their community. Teachers build upon children’s interests to introduce them to other places, traditions and cultures.
The Arts
Children express themselves creatively through the visual arts, music, dance movement and drama. Art gives children the opportunity to express feelings, thoughts and ideas that they may find difficult to share verbally. As children draw, paint, construct, mold, weave, dramatise, sing, dance and move, they make new discoveries and integrate what they are learning.
English Language Acquisition
Children that are second language learners are faced with a challenging cognitive task. They must learn to maintain two languages, rather than just one. There are considerable differences in how young children take on the task of learning a second language. The Creative Curriculum has a whole area of learning dedicated to second language learners, therefore supports the variety of nationalities here in the UAE.